When I think of my mom, Linda, who is affectionately called “Lynn” by our family and her close friends, one word comes to mind-GRACEFULNESS.
She is full of grace.
What is grace? According to the Dictionary on Google, Grace is simple elegance or refinement of movement. If you had the chance to meet my mom in person, you would agree! She is an amazing woman of virtue!
I have always admired her…Her gracefulness with people, her femininity, her love and compassion for others. I love her tenacious faith in our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
I have watched her weather through the storms of life through the years, yet she remains loving and kind. I have seen her pour her heart, blood, sweat and yes, tears into her most precious possession-ME, her only child!
Now as a grown woman, I can proudly say I am becoming just like her! She loves it!!! I fought against it for many years...lol…wanting my own way. But really, I was in my way! But that is a post for another day!!! Now, I rest in it…slowing becoming a graceful woman of GOD.
This is a post about the most important woman in my life, my mom!
Thank you, Mom! Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for your tenacious faith. Thank you for your prayers that have moved Heaven and Earth on my behalf! Thank you for modeling grace and godly femininity! I love you and I treasure you as my Mom!
Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful Mom, Linda, and to all of the wonderful mothers!